Strategic planning is the key to warfare; to win, you need a lot of good counsel. (Proverbs 24:6 MSG)

One of the distinguishing factors between successful people and the failures is the counsel and the quality thereof they get. Those who choose to drift along in life with no wise counsel in their lives end up making devastating decisions with untold consequences that can even cost their lives.

Rehoboam was the son of King Solomon and when he took over from him, he had to match the wisest king who ever lived. Every move he made was going to be critical. This was not so, his very first move was disastrous because of failure to harness the power of good counsel. The people came to him, asked him to lighten the load that his father had put on them. He first approached the elders that gave his father counsel. They told him to make it easy for the people. He rejected the counsel of the elders.

He went to the young people he had grown up with and asked their counsel. They gave him the wrong counsel and he chose that. (1 Kings 12:14)
and went with the advice of the younger set, “If you think life under my father was hard, you haven’t seen the half of it. My father thrashed you with whips; I’ll beat you bloody with chains!”

From then on the kingdom was split and out of twelve tribes, Rehoboam remained with only one tribe, Judah. Good strategy comes from good counsel. Retention of things comes from good counsel. Progress comes from good counsel. When you take counsel, it is not based on your emotions but from the spiritual and natural realities. Never discard good counsel because of pride and other emotions.

Many are in trouble today, lost all the things that they had accumulated owing to a lack of good counsel. Seek good counsel and make use of it! This gives you a ticket to your next level of success.

I pray for you today that you may be able to seek and identify good counsel. May your life turn out to be what God always intended for you.

Declare this,
I choose the wisdom of God. I will win all the battles in my life through strategic planning that comes from good counsel.


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27 responses to “THE POWER OF GOOD COUNSEL”

  1. Star avatar

    Wise words indeed Apostle! Retention of things comes from good counsel. I choose the wisdom of God.

  2. Rudo avatar

    I choose the wisdom of God. I will win all the battles in my life through strategic planning that comes from good counsel.

    1. Brightone Nyandoro avatar
      Brightone Nyandoro

      I choose the wisdom of God. I will win all the battles in my life through strategic planning that comes from good counsel.

  3. Michel Choto avatar
    Michel Choto

    Amen Apostle, i will seek good counsel for my success

    1. Murambiza Nyasha Innocent avatar
      Murambiza Nyasha Innocent

      I choose the wisdom of God.I will win all battles in my life through strategic planning that comes from good counsel.

  4. Chipo Dzawoma avatar
    Chipo Dzawoma

    Amen Papa I will all my battles through strategic planning that comes from good counsel

  5. Thamary Jani avatar
    Thamary Jani

    I’m challenged… So, success is not a one man’s show. Good counsel is an ingredient. I will solicit good counsel for my next level!

  6. collen avatar

    I choose the wisdom of God.Thank you Apostle!

  7. TC avatar

    Thank u Papa. I indeed choose good counsel. Many of our previous mistakes is because we have neglected this important phenomenon, I decide today to learn from the best and be humble enough to accept advise that may be contrary to what I want to hear…

  8. Selestino avatar

    Progress and good strategy comes from good counsel. I choose not to discard good counsel because of my pride and other emotions. I will seek good counsel and make use of it as it will give me a ticket to my next LEVEL.

  9. Taffie avatar

    I pray God opens my ears and helps me identify good counsel and draw men and women of good counsel in my life!!

  10. Alvin Siphosenkosi Moyo avatar
    Alvin Siphosenkosi Moyo

    Thank you Apostle; I know where to find good counsel, the Shepard’s counsel.

    I declare; I choose the wisdom of God. I will win all the battles in my life through strategic planning that comes from good counsel!!!

  11. Noah Chitukuta avatar
    Noah Chitukuta

    Thanks Apostle. Just what I needed at this point in my life papa! I choose the wisdom of God. I will win all the battles in my life through strategic planning that comes from good counsel.
    May good counsel abound in my life, every step of the way! Amen.

  12. Chido avatar

    Amen Papa!! I choose good counsel

  13. Luke avatar

    Amen Apostle. I will seek, identify good counsel and make good use of it.
    I choose the wisdom of God. I will win all the battles in my life through strategic planning that comes from good counsel.

  14. tim avatar

    Wise counsel,my ticket to my next level of success. Thank you sir.

  15. Johnny avatar

    I choose the wisdom of God. I will win all the battles in my life through strategic planning that comes from good counsel.
    from today onwards, i will never discard good counsel because it is my ticket to the next level

  16. josphine avatar

    Amen Papa l choose the wisdom of God .l will win all the all the battles in my life through strategic planning that comes from good counsel

  17. phyllis avatar

    Thank you Apostle,l choose the wisdom of God and l will win all the battles in my life throug stategic planning that comes from good counsel.Amen

  18. Rejoice avatar

    Thank you Apostle. I will seek counsel and apply it so that I can be established in the land.

  19. Thabang avatar

    Amen Apostle. Humility is a prerequisite to taking good counsel. Only the proud and stubborn tend to end up in trouble. May our Good God enable us to be humble and able to distinguish between good and bad counsel IJN.
    I choose the wisdom of God over the counsel of the wicked.

  20. Mpendulo avatar

    Amen Apostle, I am encouraged to do better. I choose the wisdom of God.

  21. William Dhlakama avatar
    William Dhlakama

    Wow what a challenge!!! I choose the wisdom of God. I will win all the battles in my life through strategic planning that comes from good counsel. Good counsel is a good medicine. Amen.

  22. dollen chakona avatar
    dollen chakona

    I choose the wisdom of God, I will win all the battles in my life through strategic planning that comes from good counsel.

  23. Charles avatar


  24. Zvanaka avatar

    Amen Apostle. I choose to put my pride and emotions aside and seek good counsel.

  25. Bryne avatar

    Amen Papa, today I choose the wisdom of God. I will win all the battles in my life through strategic planning that comes from good counsel.

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