And the women her neighbours gave it a name, saying, There is a son born to Naomi; and they called his name Obed: he is the father of Jesse, the father of David. (Ruth 4:17 KJV)

The story of Naomi begins with such sadness and pain. In pursuit of a living in the land of the Moabites, she lost her husband and two sons and she was left with her childless daughters-in-law. She then made a decision to return to Israel to which she said she had gone away full but was coming back empty handed.

One of her daughter in laws Ruth refused to go back. She would stick it out with her mother in law. Naomi had crept into bitterness of spirit. When people called her Naomi, she told them not to call her that! She entreated them to call her Mara. Naomi means delight and Mara means bitterness. She had moved from being a delightful woman to a bitter woman. Who could blame her after all she went through?

Thank God the solution giver. What began as a sad story did not end the same. Those who look to him will be revived. Child of God, I know you are going through things right now. Things that have changed the person you are into someone bitter! You lost where you were investing, you were taken for a ride, you got manipulated by some people! I understand and no one can blame you for the bitterness that ensued.

In all that experience God is bringing out something good. Your trip to Moab might have caused you to lose all but before you despair, look carefully. Your gain is bigger than what you lost. Naomi came back with Ruth, hardly a replacement for a husband and sons at that time but patience would change the story! Before giving up, apply faith and patience.

Ruth met Boaz and got married which brought about a son who ended up in Naomi’s bosom. His name was Obed! She was comforted in her pain. Before you go, not only was she comforted, this child Obed became the father Jesse and Jesse became the father of David! The trip to Moab was not bad after all, it brought about one of the greatest leaders in Israel two generations down the line.

Stop calling yourself Mara because God has a plan in that hard situation! You carry in you a great testimony that needs patience to manifest. I pray for you that you do not give up! That you may see beyond the current pain and be a partaker of your miracle.

Declare this,
I lean on the grace of God that turns bitterness to delight. I delight myself in the Lord and I know he will give me the desires of my heart!

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  1. Michelle avatar


  2. josphine avatar

    Amen Papa l lean on the grace of God that turns bitterness into delight.powerful stuff thank you Papa

    1. Charles Magaiza avatar

      Amen! God’s grace is powerful.

  3. Eddie avatar

    Amen Apostle……
    I lean on the grace of God that turns bitterness to delight. I delight myself in the Lord and I know he will give me the desires of my heart!

  4. Johnny avatar

    As for me I lean on the grace of God that turns bitterness to delight. I delight myself in the Lord and I know he will give me the desires of my heart!

  5. jessie avatar

    Amen Papa, I will stop calling myself Mara because God has a plan for me. I lean on the grace of God that turns bitterness to delight. I delight myself in the Lord and I know he will give me the desires of my heart!
    Thank you Papa

  6. andre avatar

    I lean on the grace of God that turns bitterness to delight. I delight myself in the Lord and I know he will give me the desires of my heart!

  7. Rejoice avatar

    Amen Apostle, I lean on the grace of God that turns bitterness to delight. I delight myself in the Lord and I know he will give me the desires of my heart!

    I am encouraged in my spirit.

  8. Edinah Chirwa avatar
    Edinah Chirwa

    Amen Apostle! I lean on the grace of God that turns bitterness into delight.I delight myself in the lord and I know he will give me the desires of my heart ! Thank you Apostle

  9. Chipo Dzawoma avatar
    Chipo Dzawoma

    Amen Apostle I carry a great testimony that needs patience to manifest! I choose to see beyond current pain.

  10. chido avatar

    Amen and thank you Papa. I lean on the grace of God that turns bitterness to delight

  11. Alvin Siphosenkosi Moyo avatar
    Alvin Siphosenkosi Moyo

    Faith and patience will win the day, we thank God for Grace Apostle,

  12. Tim avatar

    Powerful word….thank you sir!

  13. Kennedy Shamakamba avatar

    I lean on the grace of God that turns bitterness to delight. I delight myself in the Lord and I know he will give me the desires of my heart!

  14. dollen chakona avatar
    dollen chakona

    Amen. I lean on the Grace of God that turns bitterness to delight.

  15. Eunice Mbire avatar
    Eunice Mbire

    Thank you Apostle: This is my Word!! God is taking me from bitterness to delight!!!

  16. Dudu Shava avatar
    Dudu Shava

    Amen. My gain is bigger than what I lost.

  17. victor kuvarega avatar
    victor kuvarega

    The trip to Moab (South Africa ) not a bad one after all,l lean upon the grace of God that turns bitterness to delight and l know he will give me the desires of my heart.

  18. Noah Chitukuta avatar
    Noah Chitukuta

    Yes apostle, I fix my eyes on a place beyond the hurt and the despair. I fix my eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith.

  19. Gomolemo Sebigi avatar
    Gomolemo Sebigi

    Thank You papa.. I refuse to change my name to Mara, I’ll stay Naomi…I’m leaning on Gods grace; I shall remain delighted through it all.

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